Another pleasant evening weather wise at Ormiston tonight – perfect for training.
Shot-stopping was the topic following by the Pyramid Game and matches. Butch and Aiden did particularly well in the Pyramid game and managed to stay in to the end with the more experienced Keepers – well done.
Everybody’s attitude and effort tonight was spot on – there was nothing but hard work and focus from each and every Keeper. Well done to you all.
Thanks as usual goes to our GDS coaches for their assistance tonight – Andy, Rob and Mick – we couldn’t do this without you.
All of the coaches that are on our GDS coaches course are fantastic too and will soon be part of the GDS crew. Thanks for your dedication and hard work every week.
Senior Keepers Andre and Beth were excellent as usual and extremely helpful in sorting out the van once and for all – thanks for all of your help tonight.
Dangerous who is our current Keeper of the month also won Keeper of night tonight – well done Dangerous Photo is seen with Head Coach Dave
….Just a quick reminder from the caretaker of Ormiston that no smoking is allowed on school grounds – many thanks in advance…..
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