We are very pleased to announce that Goalkeeper of the Month for April 2018 is Wetsuit.
Wetsuit trains with us on a Saturday morning at Charlemont and has been with us for less than 12 months. Before he started with GDS he had never ever played football. The difference between the Wetsuit on his first session to the Wetsuit that trains with us now is immense. The technical ability and the confidence has grown so much it is has been amazing to watch.
Wetsuit is often picked to be in the the final of the day for the session and he came very close to winning Keeper of the month previously but was unfortunately away on holiday when we were going to give out the award.
Wetsuits’s ability has now grown so much it has enabled him to join a team which we are all very proud of.
Congratulations to Wetsuit – keep up the good work!
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