We are very pleased to announce that Goalkeeper of the month for June 2019 is Chewie
Chewie has been training with GDS for approximately two years starting at our Oldbury centre on a Tuesday evening. To begin with his confidence was low and his handling and technique needed a lot of work.
Over the weeks and months it was clear that Chewie was always a very hard working young Keeper and always put 100% effort into the drills listening carefully to what the Coaches told him and trying his very best to learn from coaching points.
Over the last year Chewie has started to train at more than one of our centres and now trains three times a week. The difference in his technique and ability is outstanding. His concentration levels and enthusiasm for every single session is excellent, he helps the coaches and helps other Keepers. He is a very very strong Keeper now for his age and the improvement that has been made is immense, purely due to his continuous attendance, dedication and hard work.
During the month of June Chewie has consistently been chosen in the final for Keeper of the day at all three centres by lots of different coaches and has also been the winner. Chewie is an absolute pleasure to coach.
Congratulations Chewie keep up the good work
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