Below is the final details for all those who are attending Lilleshall on Sunday 9th July
Lilleshall National Sports and Conferencing Centre
Near Newport
United Kingdom
TF10 9AT
If travelling to the centre using Satellite Navigation please use the alternative postcode TF10 9LQ
Please arrive no later than 09:45 for a 10:00 start. We will not be waiting for late-comers as the pitch cost a lot of money and we need to get the use out of it.
When you arrive please go to the main GDS gazebo and register your arrival – this is very important.
WHAT TO WEAR – no exceptions
- Black GDS T-shirt
- Plain black shorts, 3/4 shorts or trousers
- Plain black socks
You will not be permitted to wear your own caps/waterproof jackets etc. Caz will have limited GDS stock available on the day. If you wish to buy stock please come even earlier than the specified time. As you can imagine Caz will be extremely busy organising the event and will not be available 2 minutes prior to start time to sell kit.
- We will be running a raffle on the day with some great prizes – a Crazy Catch will be the main prize. Please bring some money with you to support us in this 🙂
- We will also be giving out GDS Prediction sheets during the day – we had great success with these last season with Dangerous’s dad winning first prize and again we would like to ask for your full support this season.
- Bring sun cream and lots to drink for your child
- Please feel free to bring a picnic and chairs etc and please prepare yourselves in case we have some rain
- Please sit round the one side of the pitch where the GDS Gazebo has been set up.
- No dogs or smoking is allowed on site
- The awards should start around 13:00 and last for roughly half hour
Most of all enjoy the day – the Players had a fantastic time last year and we aim to ensure the same this year.
Many thanks for your continued support
Any questions fill the below in and we will respond asap:
[contact-form to=’caroline.wells@me.com, dswgds@gmail.com’ subject=’Lilleshall Query’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]
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