Holiday Time!
Just a reminder that we are now away until Friday 11th August when we return at Ellowes Hall. Please feel free to send messages to us through Social Media or the Website but we will […]
Just a reminder that we are now away until Friday 11th August when we return at Ellowes Hall. Please feel free to send messages to us through Social Media or the Website but we will […]
We were very pleased to announce at Ormiston that Goalkeeper of the Month for July 2017 is Strimmer. Strimmer has been with GDS for almost a year and trains on a regular basis at two of our […]
This is our schedule for all venues over the summer holiday period. Please ensure you keep a note of when we are not training. Thank you
On Sunday 9th July we had an extremely successful and enjoyable showcase event at Lilleshall. A big thank you to all those who attended and helped out in any way. It really was a great […]
GDS Coach Rob is collecting any unwanted football clothing, training equipment, boots and gloves to send to a football camp in Kampala, Uganda. Rob explains the situation below: “The children out there love their football […]
Training is on as usual tonight at Ellowes Hall Please remember that there is NO training at Charlemont tomorrow morning Saturday 8th July For those coming to Lilleshall we were thinking about doing a photograph […]
Below is the final details for all those who are attending Lilleshall on Sunday 9th July ADDRESS and POSTCODE: Lilleshall National Sports and Conferencing Centre Near Newport Shropshire United Kingdom TF10 9AT If travelling to […]
This is prior notice to let everybody know that there is no training at our Charlemont centre on Saturday 8th July. We have our Lilleshall Showcase event on Sunday 9th July and will be making preparations […]
LAST WEEK TO PREORDER – CUT OFF THIS FRIDAY: For those who missed out on the first preorder we did and due to popular demand we are now doing another preorder on our Black GDS […]
Thank you to all those who bought Lilleshall tickets. We have a total of 50 Players attending which is a fantastic number! You won’t be handed out tickets – your name is on a register […]
Copyright GDS 2016