March 14, 2025
Keeper of the month June July Builder copy 2
Keeper of the month June July Builder copy
Keeper of the month June July Builder

Huge success at Lilleshall

Well what can I say about Lilleshall. The weather was perfect the venue was amazing and all that came just made the whole event go like clockwork.

The training sessions went extremely well. The Keepers worked very very hard in very hot weather so well done to all. The four sessions were planned carefully by Dave to ensure that there was lots of variety and different levels of difficulty which took a lot of preparation. Some of these were brand new drills just recently introduced and practiced in training especially for Lilleshall. Again lots of thought and work put into it to make the event a success.

Keepers of the day for each group were as follows:

  • Group A – Rhino
  • Group B – Kiera
  • Group C – Scoop
  • Group D – Jazz Hands

Big congratulations to all four Keepers for impressing the coaches on the day – photos below

A huge thank you to all of our brilliant coaches and senior keepers – yet again they did us proud – without their dedication and help it would be very very hard to do what we do:

  • Andy
  • Rob
  • Alex – big thank you for joining us on this special day
  • Ant
  • Mick
  • Dan
  • Jack
  • Andre
  • Beth
  • Issues
  • Liam
  • Dan

A massive thank you to all the parents and Keepers for wearing the correct clothes – they all looked fantastic and I’m sure that when the photos and videos come out you will see what a difference it makes. But a bigger thank you to the parents overall for bringing the Keepers all year round and staying to watch at our special event. Also thank you for the help in clearing up the kit and bringing additional kit to the venue for us that we couldn’t fit in – much appreciated.

A big thanks to Dan who videoed the day for us – we really appreciate the fact he gave up his Sunday but also the fact he is going to edit the videos and turn it into something brilliant for us all to watch.

Another thank you goes to Andy Butler from Wolves who took the time out to come and watch us in action – much appreciated, it was great to see you there.

I hope I haven’t missed anybody out – apologies if I have.

Overall the day was a fantastic success and everybody really enjoyed it. The training went well and the award ceremony went well.

The one thing we didn’t do was take photos of Keepers awards from their teams. We will arrange dates at each Centre to do this shortly – watch out for dates online soon.

The results of the annual awards will be coming up shortly

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