The address is: Cakemore Road, Rowley Regis, B65 0QX
The cost of the 10 week course is £60
If you have any holidays booked during the October half term please let Caz know and those weeks can be deducted from the total price.
We will be training on a large astro pitch so please ensure that the correct boots are worn no metal studs are allowed.
GDS kit must be worn at all times – no exceptions are made
If you are a new Keeper you will need to purchase either a GDS T-shirt for £10 or Sweatshirt for £15 from our club shop.
Spaces for the 10 week course are available on a first come first served basis. Places will be limited to 32 Keepers on this course due to pitch restrictions and a waiting list will be in place, so please ensure you secure your place prior to the 11th September. You can pay cash by seeing Caz prior to the date or you can book online below
If you also train at Charlemont you will be eligible for a discount at that centre
Thanks for your continued support, GDS
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